VRTK is a collection of useful, reusable solutions to common problems found when building for spatial computing. VRTK aims to help productivity by speeding up the creation process from prototyping ideas to building complete solutions.
The passion behind VRTK is to try and enable as many people as possible to build for spatial computing, from seasoned developers to complete beginners who have a wonderful idea in their head but are unsure of how to create it. VRTK aims to be easy to understand so the absolute beginner can feel comfortable turning their creative thoughts into experiences but it also has enough power and flexibility to allow developers to really build out their perfect solution with little friction and without constantly re-inventing the wheel.
Spatial computing is a relatively new medium so no one really understands what truly works or what doesn't work in terms of solutions, so VRTK aims to bring a community of diverse people from all across the world together to work on solving these problems and to rapidly evolve the way in how spatial computing is catered for.
VRTK is released under the MIT License and therefore is completely free for anyone to use whether it's for personal or commercial products as this is the best way to make sure we're all building for a better future in spatial computing.
VRTK is available to download, for free at the following places.

Unity Asset Store
The easiest way to get started with VRTK v4 is to download the VRTK v4 Tilia Package Importer from the Unity Asset Store.
visit unity asset storeGitHub
The GitHub organization page is the home of all the Extend Reality packages including the VRTK farmyard example and VRTK v4 Bowling tutorial. The GitHub repositories have the latest features and updates. You can even fork the repo, make changes, new features and contribute back.
visit github
If you want to learn how to use VRTK or require some help then check out the below resources.

If video tutorials are more your thing, then the VRTK YouTube channel is packed full of helpful guides on how to create a wide variety of VR related goodness. Regular livestreams also allow the community to get questions answered from the VRTK team.
visit youtubeDiscord
The heart of the VRTK community is the discord channel. Full of helpful people from all over the world chatting about all aspects of VR development and how to best use VRTK to build stuff easier and quicker. This is the first port of call if you get stuck on anything.
visit discord